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Butt Enhancement

A non-invasive treatment to increase volume and lift the butt. Vacuum therapy targets and stimulus the glute muscles giving long lasting effects !


Vacuum therapy uses a cup to pull an area of skin into a suction that decompresses muscles and connective tissue. This promotes blood flow to the compromised area, enhances circulation, and helps to increase the body’s own healing processes


What makes a muscle grow? Protein & Blood Flow.

When blood flows to the muscle not only does it transport collagen and nutrients needed for growth, it also causes the muscle tissue to expand and contract resulting in increased muscle tone.

Each session is equivalent to 2000-2500. We say look at our appointments like the gym, One day of legs is not always enough to reach your booty goals. we suggest 4-8 sessions a month until you hit your ideal booty goals. 

Once your goal is achieved you can maintain in the gym OR with monthly sessions with us. 

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→ Stimulates the glute muscles
→ Relocates fat cells to the glutes
→ Reduces cellulite
→ Eliminates toxins
→ Promotes lymphatic drainage
→ Decreases muscle tension
→ Restores skin elasticity
→ Improves circulation

Pain: 1/10 (medium pressure/slight pinching)
Sessions are to be completed 1-2 weeks apart. (Minimum of 72 hours in between sessions)

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